Busy Day At The Ranch
Well its a sunny day here in North Florida, and there are a lot of new things happening here on the farm. We recently added 3 new goats to the farm. they have settled in perfect. they are very spunky and full of energy. Miracle our latest addition had a rough start to life but he has since bounced back, gained weight and is doing great. We also added 6 black star chicks to the flock they are now 2 months old and almost ready to move to there permanent home out back. All of the Rhode island red hens we added nine months ago have all started laying eggs. we are now getting upwards of 4 dozen eggs a day. Which is helping egg sales tremendously. One of the Rhode island reds became broody so we decided to let her hatch some eggs, as of today we have two new additions and she is still sitting on 4 eggs. We also have Houdini the bantam that is the mother of Beauregard sitting on 2 eggs.one which is hers and the other is our americauna Gingers. other news we have a stud coming for Bella the pig.. Her birthing house is almost complete. Which will be a blessing since it went from being Bella's birthing house to a big barn split between her and the goats.As you can see we have been very busy around here. We turned my screen room into a green house. which is very exciting right now because it is full of a bunch of trays full of vegetables. This weekend the Mister and I are building shelves for the greenhouse to start our fodder system in. Be sure to check out our YouTube and Instagram pages for daily updates around here. It seems like everyday we are either building or adding something to the farm. We may be very busy here but we all look at it like this "work hard today enjoy the rewards forever"
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